For the third time, I'm remaking this damn blog! But since it's linked to my personal portfolio site this time I suppose I'll be updating this more frequently.
Welcome to my blog, talking nonsense and thrashing about, that's what I'll be doing! Oh, and showing drawings and (daily) sketches/studies I'm planning to post!
Aside from those things that will appear here, also recent schoolprojects and various studies surrounding my education will appear here. I'm motivated this time to keep it up and fill up this blog!
I'll also fill you in about a few things in my life that's worth mentioning. If I come across a nice quote, surely I'll be sharing that!
First off, my name is Martijn Verstappen, as for my nickname: Thimerit or my old one: Tinusss. Most friends refer to me as simply Martijn, though.
Me being 18 years old at the moment of writing this, making me a young lad. Pretty obvious, though, I just wasted a few seconds of your life!
Aside from that, I age up on the 18'th of November, making me Scorpio and thus pretty stubborn. But still.. I'm a really nice guy, trust me... Muahaha...?
My goal to life... Good one, I'd love to become a Game Designer... Especially on the Concept Artistic side of it. Inventing new ideas, new plots and new schemes is so thrilling that I'd love it all equally as much. But the problem is, am I having enough talent and enough motivation to become one of the better Concept Artists? We'll see what future brings me... :)
After a year of failing my education to get accepted into the Graphic Design world (2008), I took my chances to try again and succeeded. And now, the upcoming posts will inform you about my recent works, studies and anything aside from that!
Anyway, that's it for now, Cheers people!