
Monday, April 4, 2011

Personal - Convoys of the Sun #WIP

It should represent life and persistence. A tree needs water to survive. This one is located in the desert, determinded to rip apart the ground to find any single drop of water.
This is what my goal is, rip apart anything which prevents me from what I love doing the most.

Been home this weekend, did nothing worth noting. Did this just now since I really needed to get my thoughts aside. Still a work in-progress.

Oh and yes, it's going to be finished.

WIP #2

1 comment:

  1. Oi, eu so brasileira e eu adorei teu blog apesar de não entender nada :S eu não sei fala a sua lingua :S é..... i don´t speak inglish :S
    mais.... super legal mesmo teu blog (y)
    tchau, fui, beijoos ! (y)
